WRITER! they/them lesbian genderfluid 26
natural disaster scientist

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twitter; ao3; tumblr; insta; ko-fi; email


hsr (renheng, kafstelle, multi); genshin impact (haikaveh, zhongxiao, wriolette, multi); danmeis (ranwan, wangxian, multi); trigun (vashwood);
supernatural, the boys, & some other stuff casually

hobbies: cosplay, photography, hiking, plant care, space, weather/climate, nature


i often repost, post, and discuss nsfw themes with ships. if you are not a minor and are uncomfortable with these themes, i suggest you do not follow me. i don't go out of my way to vet who follows me. i sometimes also share personal stuff about life struggles but try to keep it to a minimum. verrryyyy occasionally do i make a few salty tweets about shipping/fandom discourse, but sometimes i make an offhanded remark about it. overall i endeavor to be a very positive space and open/honest!

if you are a minor do not follow me or interact with me.
other routine dni criteria applies.for shipping, i generally allow people to have whatever shipping preferences they want. but to be transparent i normally fall under dni criteria for the "anti" community. i do not consider myself to be proship nor will i ever adopt that label as both communities give me the ick, but i am fully for fictional freedom and minding my own business. i genuinely do not care what people ship or what dynamics they prefer, nor do i think it has a significant effect on reality. i often make an effort to avoid shipping discourse as it stresses me out and i don't have time for getting that serious, save the occasional offhanded comment about chronically online behavior.if you do not embrace trans headcanons in media, don't follow me. if you think it's fetishizing/wrong in any way don't follow me. HCing characters as trans is important to me because i enjoy representation of trans content in media and fanworks, and it is a way to explore myself and my body in fiction. many other trans authors/artists do this as a method of coping, acceptance, and self-love.


.bloom vol. 2 (voltron/sheith).
trans sheith themed zine; complete (@bloomsheithzine)

.body heat artbook (voltron/sheith).
nsfw sheith zine; complete (@adultsheithzine)

.binary stars (voltron/sheith).
galra!sheith zine; complete (@galrasheithzine)

.reflections (voltron/sheith).
nsfw folklore-themed sheith zine; complete (@reflectionszine)

.discipline case (voltron/sheith).
nsfw bdsm sheith zine; complete (@sheithbdsmzine)

.bloom vol. 3 (voltron/sheith).
trans sheith themed zine; complete (@bloomsheithzine)